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#By:- Abdulhamid Awawdeh PhD International Relations , International Law, Founder and Editor in Chief of WAFA Palestine News Agencey.

The dawn of history for man kind was in Palestine. All holy books revealed that Adam had built the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem after he had built the Almasjid Alharam in Mecca.

Antient Empires and civilizations emerged and ruled in the world.

However, all of them came to an end in Palestine. Either while they are trying to cross from Egypt to Palestine or came from the East going West but they have to cross Gaza the passage way to West.

Gaza has been mentioned in Quran in the Sura of Quraish which was revealed that the people of Quraish were trading in two routes the Summer and the Winter routes and Gaza was one of them. Hashem who was the tribal chief of the Hashemites in Mecca established Gaza as a trade post between the Arabia , North of Africa, Egypt and Southern Europe.

Gaza became a major trade post and a passage between East and West so across the Mditerranean Sea.

The ancient empires of the Greek, the Persians, the Mughols, the Romans , the Besantine and the most recent the Europeans Spanish , the French and the British. All of them were defeated in major battles in Palestine.

The new western aggression against Palestine and its people will have the same fate as the previous agressors.

Gaza War is a living testemonial for the defeat of the Israeli war against Gaza backed by the United States of America and major European powers.

The history will write that this war was a victory for the Palestinians in Gaza and the defeat of Israel and its allies those initially established this colonial state in Palestine in 1948.

The Palestinian attack on Israel on October 7 considered as an attack on the United States.

The President of the United States and the US Congress issued a condemnation of the Palestinian attack on Israel and said it was an attack on the United States.

The US President wept in front of the media corps and reiterated an Israeli lie that the Palestinians beheaded children in their attack and raped women.

Later the US retracted such statements and the US media disputed such claims and the Israeli media too after thorough investigations.

The American President vowed to bring those perpetrators into Israel to bring them to face the American justice.

The US president ignored 17 years of seige and blockade of Gaza Strip by the Israelis.The Gazan people were not allow to import many goods for people need of food, clothes and building materials.

The surprise attack on Israeli forces and taking prisoners of war put the Israelis and their allies in a very awkward position during the their military operation in Gaza.

Some of the prisoners with the Palestinians were Israelis with dual citizenship of America, France, British , Italians and Canadians.

The question is how you are going to address and deal with this unfortunate multinationals of soldiers prisoners.

They are an Israeli soldiers subject to Geneva Convention of war prisoners and not as

visiting foreign civilians to Israeli proper .Even though the United States and other European countries consider their dual citizenship as their nationals and called HAMAS for their release as hostages not war prisoners.

The new Western change in foreign policy is what the British Foreign Minister statement supporting the creation of a Palestinian State along side of the State of Israel.

This position followed by the United States of discussion of recognizing the State of Palestine in the United Nations. Such statement is gonna open a can of warms in the face of the Israeli leaders whome denied any rights for Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.

The American and the Europeans new position is a recognition of defeat for Israel in the aftermath of the Palestinian surprise attack on October 7 against the Southern front of the Israeli Army.

This recognition of a Palestinian State is an American pre empt strike to stop the reverse process of the delegitimizing of the State of Israel as occupying power.

The Palestinians are not gonna sit and watch forever Israel is willing to vacate the Palestinian land seized in 1967 war and create their own state as the United Nations called in many resolutins since 1967.

The Israeli Army was ranked the fourth strongest army in the world. This military status is shattered and not standing any more after October 7 , 2023.

The Western powers rush to support Israel after October 7 is a statement of recognition that the Israeli military was defeated.

A price has to be paid by Israel and its Western powers allies.

The United States suffered two defeats in 2023 the first one was in Ukrane and the scond one in Gaza.

Both defeats were aknowleged by the US and its allies and they are inching toward a new world order different than the one existed before in world politics.

The Russians victory over Ukrane and the NATO alliance and the Palestinian in Gaza over Israel and its Western partners shaked up the current world order and shattered the world security.

Other international hot spots will detrmine the demise of the American hegemony over the world politics since 1945 are the Korean Penninsula and Taiwan.

In both areas , the United States will suffer defeat too and it will be the last nail in the US coffin and the current world order.

Israel, South Korea and Taiwan considered areas of regional tests for the American role and influence in world politics.

The US is losing grip over the Middle East because of the paraiah state of Israel.

Chine is challenging the American relations with Taiwan with some military excercise in Gulf of Taiwan.

Taiwan cannot challenge China’s military power and the US will find itself in a military confrontation with China.

Chine is very close distance of Taiwan while the US will face long routes for supply and other logistics needed in any future conflict.

The birth of new world order is in the developing stage and going hand in hand with the American demise in global power and regional defeats.

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صحيفة عربية امريكية اسبوعية مستقلة تأسست عام 1990

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