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Today we say goodbye to a very pure and dear soul a teacher, a leader, a role model, a loving husband, a great father and a wonderful brother and to most an amazing friend

Doctor Ahid Abdelfattah Barakat
Who’s soul departed to return to the creator Allah subhanahu wa ta’aala
Doctor Ahid as we say our goodbye to leaves behind a loving wife a son two daughters whom is married and a grandson that we ask Allah to give them patience and ease their grief,
Yes with sorrow and pain we are all feeling the sadness that fills our hearts for loosing a loving caring and a very understanding one of a kind man
Doctor Ahid to me he was more than a brother he gave me the fatherly advice and guidance when I needed it and good friend as I needed a helping hand
But as the illness took control of his body he showed bravery and patience even at his weakness to still teach us more

Ahid the Wise doctor was a fountain of knowledge as he spoke a comedian as he joked a patient listener for those in need but on top of all was strong and tough to let any pain to stop who he is
Doctor Ahid as he knew of his final days to come he didn’t let that weaken his faith

With acceptance and satisfaction by Allah’s subhanahu wa ta’aala discussion he took his last breath in peace to leave us by body as we buried him we remembering our beloved prophet Mohammad salwat Allah wa salamahu alayh in his journey book as he said to Abu Baker alsid’daeq radya Allahu anhu wa ardah that the Shaheed will enter Heaven with no judgment on judgment day

So the sahabi Abu Baker may Allah be pleased with him started to cry the prophet of Allah asked him what would makes you cry? Abu Baker may Allah be pleased with him said
There is not many shaheeds among us oh prophet of Allah

Then our beloved Mohammad sul’la Allah alayh wa sal’lam said
Oh Abu Baker from my om’mah the ones that dies in the sake of Allah are shaheed
The ones that dies in a burning fire are shaheed
the ones that drowns are Shaheed

The ones the dies with the abdomen illness are shaheed
And also the ones that falls of a wall are shaheed.

Sadaqa rasool Allah
And Doctor Ahid was suffering from cancer in the abdomen as where it started

So we ask Allah to except him with the shaheeds of the ommah of our prophet Mohammad sul’la Allah alyh wa sal’lam
Dr Ahid took his last breath during the recitation of the Quran as in surat

Alrahman at the ayah number 46

( وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ جَنَّتَانِ )

Which reads ( to those who fear Allah’s presence two heavens

Oh Allah we ask of you to give Ahid a place under your great throne with the shaheeds we ask you Allah to forgive and erase any mistakes or sins that he have and double all his hasanat
Oh Allah as Ahid between your hands that’s full of mercy we ask you to shower him with forgiveness as he is your visitor and who is a better host than you are

Oh Allah you know that if he was my guest I would have been generous towards him but he is now your guest so we ask of you to shower him with your generosity that you are the most generous of the generous
Oh Allah we ask you to bring down your mercy upon us as we grief the loss of Ahid , give us patience and guidance so we don’t strays after him.

We come to you oh Allah the creator of all things and being to be of the ones testifying for Ahid as he comes to you a true believer and he bares witness that there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is Allah servant and messenger
Oh Allah Ahid is your servant the son of your servant so give him guidance at the time of the questions

Oh Allah we ask not to make his grave dark but make it full of light and turn it to a garden from heaven until the day of judgment
Oh Allah let Ahid be one of those you say to them enter my paradise with peace
Oh Allah let him be one of those drinks from the hands of the prophet and don’t feel thirst again

My dear brothers and sisters our tragedy today is missing being around Dr Ahid conversed with joke with play with travel with dance with worship with and so on and so on
Oh Ahid yes the heart is saddened and the eyes is tearing and forever we are sad for missing you

Brothers and Sisters our ommah’s biggest tragedy is the death of our leader and role model our beloved our prophet the one who cry’s my people my people in judgment day to save us the messenger of Allah the shaheed Aba Alqassym Mohammad salawat Allah wa salamahu alyh wa alaa a’alehi ajma’ain
As Dr Ahid soul departed his body on October 5th 2024 at 05:24 pm
Allah yerhamu
Ash’hadu an la ilaha el’la Allah
Wa ash’hadu an’na Mohamadan rasool Allah

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