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Over six millions people in jail

Abdulhamid K.S. Awawdeh Ph.D. International Relations and International Law/ Editor in Chief WAFA Palestine News

On September 22 nd, Israel put over six millions of Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem in three large prisons
Israel shut down all gates leading into cities, towns, villages and refugee camps and border crossing points inside the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the outside world
Israel for more than one Jewish religion holiday put all Palestinian people in real prison imposing no travel no movements between tows and cities and no travel to Egypt or to Jordan or from the airport

Israel rejected the Saudi Ambassador to Palestine request to go and pray in the Aqsa Mosque while we hear a lot of Israeli dream to normalize relationd with Saudi Arabia

All Israeli soldiers on check points on gates and borders crossing were celebrating Jewish holidays and no one is there to check IDs and let people to pass or not or be arrested and go to jail

Palestinian businesses , schools, universities, commerce and agriculture came to a complete halt during those unvirified and recognized religous holidays by other nations

These practices are no different than what prisoners in Israeli jails or other countries
Part of those were subject to Israeli imposed curfews and actual jail time American citezins visiting their families or going to visit Christian sites in the cities of Jerusalem, Beitlehem and Nazarite

The US Government gives a blind eye when it comes to Israeli practicies and violations from Israeli Government and treatment of American Palestinians such discrimination hapened many times to me and others

Such Israeli racist practices copied from the White regime was ruling South Africa before the collapse of such racist regime

Thousands of United Nations resolutions criticizing Israel passed in all The United Nations bodies and agencies and none of them address the call for Palestinian Statehood despite it was recognized and voted for by the General Assembly the time it recognized the State of Israel

All European countries were practicing the same racial policies in their colonial rules in Africa and Asia as Israel doing now against the Palestinians

The United States which was the champion of freeing nations from the Soviet rule ignored the Palestinian people rights as people and have equal rights as others in the world

Gaza Strip lives under seige since was liberated from the Israeli occupation in 2003 as a large jail cell with over 2.5 millions of people

Israel called on Egypt through the USA to close Rafah Crossing the only border crossing point to Egypt accept for huminatarian cases

The United Nations supply its ration to the Gazans and from world charitable organizations through Ares the only Israeli crossing border for Gaza

Israel devided the Palestinians to three major population centers Jerusalem , Gaza and the West Bank

The West Bank was divided to 8 major urban centers separated from each other by road blocks and gates , the same what used to be Jewish gettos in European cities
Over three hundred villages and refugee camps were locked by gates and opened only by Israeli soldiers

They use such gates as punishments against population or during Jewish holidays

If any Palestinian tried to cross such gates and violates Israeli laws will be subject to lmprisonment in jail if not death

European and American diplomats cross such gates to meet Palestinian officials and report that to their governments and nothing changed

On September 26 2023 Mr Westland the UN envoy to Gaza reported to the United Nation Security Council
the horrible living conditions of Gazan people shortage of food, poluted water, high unemployment and disease . He called for the lifting of seige off Gaza and the improvement of their living conditions
What Mr Wistland addressed issues and living conditions are common for those living in the West Bank and Jerusalem city

The Palestinian people is hospitable people because of their rich in history and ancient civilization interacted with other peoples of the world civilizations since Adam and Eve

The Palestinian people never quit fighting foreign invaders through history including the British occupation and the Israeli annexation

Palestine was the only British colony to resist the British occupation and mandate using military force and civil disobeidience as the general strike of 1936 for six months and covered all Palestine territories

No wonder why the British created the Jewish State and called it Israel to our time practice the same British polices in Palestine during their mandate

The segregation and separation of people and blocking their needs for schools, roads , airport,hospitals and border crossings even I am the American citizen and have a Palestinian birth certificate is subject to such racist and discrimination without any regard to my American citizenship because they are above the law all laws and international law

The USA and all Euoropean countries extend such protection to the State of Israel and sheilded it from international retaliation or punishment

The West Bank is actual chess board because of Israeli settelements and Israeli military protection of settlers so the Israeli courts declined to take any letigation against settelements under national security and military orders

All new immigrants to the State of Israel receive a monthly allowence for a full year paid by the American taxpayers and they setteled them in the West Bank in Palestinian seized land for erection settelements

It is a copy of practice of the American Wild Wild West against Indians people and their land

There are seven thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails because they resisted the Israeli occupation and the seisure of the land as the International law permited to fight foreign occupation
There are over three thousands Palestinians im jails based on old British administrative orders and no question asked

So the Wild Wild West of America does exist only against the Palestinian land in Jerusalem, West Bank and in Gaza and the free wheel shooting ank killing

Israel has 25 religous holidays some of them extends to two weeks of celebration and the Palestinian people have to endure such closures curfews and immobility in their daily liflyhood

Two American presidents dodged a question why the USA has double standards in foreign policy when it comes to the Palestinian Israeli conflict and sided all the times with Israel despite the human right and freedom US champion through out the world

They said the US is working on the two state solution for Israel and the Palestinians but Israel is there and no land left for the other state to be realized

The Palestinians through their civic institutions lodged hundreds of law suits in the International Court of Justice against the Israeli occupation for the crimes the Israeli Army and settlers commited in the occupied lands against the Palestinians
The ICOJ failed to address any of these lawsuites because the pressure on the court by the United States not to open such cases

In the same time of writing this article Israel stop all the Palestinians from going to Jerusalem to pray in the Aqsa
The Israelis are

discriminating agaist the main Muslim religion duties and show no respect for Palestinian Muslims of free passages to their holy places nor allow Palestinian Christians from going to their historical

churches for worship


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صحيفة عربية امريكية اسبوعية مستقلة تأسست عام 1990

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