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JABALIA CAMP (This is hell we need medical help and evacuation none of the spear unit soldiers remain alive)

By: Abdulhamid Awawdeh Ph.D International Relations and International Law. Founder and Editor in Chief WAFA Palestine News Agency


JABALIA CAMP (This is hell we need medical help and evacuation none of the spear unit soldiers remain alive) One of the Israeli military units lead the assault on Jabalia refugee camp assuming he and his unit will walk into an Israeli neighbor bar and in mind those Palestinians will come forward raising their hands and waving white flags. He and his unit none of them survived the charge and was worse than that those Palestinians are emerging from every where and direction with their anti tank rockets RBJs followed by fighters to finish off any survivor of the destroyed tanks and armored vehickles.

Non of that was in our training book or what our commanders told us about it.

Over two months passed on our invasion into Gaza, we did not face any fighter of Hamas but gotten hail of bullets from every where and anti tank rockets fired against our tanks , personal carriers semi tanks and armored ones from every direction where you look but you cannot see any of Hamas fighters as we are fighting ghosts.

I heared many stories from soldiers of other fronts too.

By the time we spot a human being it was too late for us to jump out of the tanks and our armored vehickles because their presence is a sign of death tor us. Over sixty days and we still ciculating the same areas we charge few hundreds of yards and soon retreat under barrage of fire hail of bullets and anti tank rockets

and explosives charges where ever you go. This is Jabalia the worst fighting we have and the most casualties we sustained the brigade leader said on his radio.,That brigadere general is not with us now who was gunned down by a sniper.

Every day spend in Gaza reminds us with General Sharon decision to withdraw from Gaza in 2004 after almost 40 years of occupation.

No wonder why he decide to leave Gaza Strip and the more time we stay in Gaza the deeper our feet dive in Gaza moving sand.

The Israeli military spokesman said that the fighting in Jabalia is difficult and heavy and those of Hamas fighters are fighting and did not want to leave this area which we ask all the people to move south.

The Israeli army sustain the heaviest casualties the most losses in Jabalia area.

The Israeli spokesman estimated Hamas forces in Jabalia as three elite battalions.

However, for eight weeks Israeli forces encoutered a stiff resistance almost in every street of Gaza Strip cities camps and districts.

The Gaza Strip size is almost two hundred square miles means 20 in length and between three to ten miles wide.

Almost the size of average American city and the most powerful army in the Middle East is not able to conquer it only control less than 10% of the Strip.

As of the time of writindg this article the Israeli army lost over 1500 tanks and armored vehicles and soldiers carriers. This is a very and huge significant number of losses.

Those tanks and carriers carry soldiers and not empty which tells you the Israeli casualties in terms of soldiers is very high figurs not as the official Israeli Army spokesman recodgnized and said. Each tank has four soldiers and the carriers carry between six to twelve soldiers.

Even the numbers published by the spokesman were challenged by soldiers and officers alike.

Each time the ground Israeli forces encounter a stiff resistence they call for air strikes to bomb civilian targets in refugees camps and residential quarters in major cities.

It has become as a pattern sine the begining of the Israeli invasion which inflicted high civilian casualties to 18,430 eight thousands are children as the United Nations workers pointed out and six thousands are women.

Hamas Chief Staff told the media outlets that the Israeli Army is goind to be depleted in Gaza War in terms of sloldiers and equipments.

Three hundred thousands Israeli soldiers were mobilized for the war in Gaza with the most art of technology in weapons and military supply.

Brigadare General Odaid deputy commander of 188 an Israeli elite brigade told his soldiers on the outskirt of Jabalia and Alshijaiya with Mirkava tanks the most advanced tanks of the world with the state of art, that as ” I speak to you I do not know from where Hamas fighters or snipers or anti tanks rocket units will show up with deadly attack on us , they are invisible fast like ghosts as the hit us before”.

The Israeli veteran commander of war 2014 at Jabalia front knows the area very well and warned his soldiers of Jabalia fighters as the best in Hamas.

They are paratroopers , engineers, pilots, divers and well trained units on street fighting and guirilla warefare.

Jabalia gave also Golani elite division in the Israeli Army lot of losses in soldiers and equipments so tanks and armored vehickles.

It is today the 66 day of fighting trying to advance in Jabalia we were not able as Amir Bukboot reported to the Israeli 13 tv Channel.

Today two soldiers killed by Hamas snipers and 179 tanks and armored vehickles were destroyed in 72 hours.

This shows us how dangerous Jabalia refugee camp is. All our attempts to advance toward Jabalia were failed because the stiff resistane of the fighters in Jabalia.

Jabalia refugee camp is comprised of blocks made of cement and gravel with tin ceiling since 1948 the creation of the State of Israel

. Seven generations of refugees in Jabalia still dreaming of the return to their homeland that Israel occupied and Israel came to their camp to kill them too.


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