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Dr. Abdulhamid Salem Awawdeh, Professor of International Relations an Law / Founder and Editor in Chief of WAFA Palestine News Agency.

Mr. President Joseph Biden ( GENOCIDE ) On May 20, 2024 and after seven months and two weeks Mr Biden Said Israel did not commit genocide and he supports Israel unconditioaly in its war on Gaza against HAMAS.

However, you ask your aids what is HAMAS just few weeks before.

Oh I forget that you have dementia as Ex President Trump said that and more. Spain , Norway and Ireland your ancestors country anounced recognition of the State of Palestine and the right of the Palestinians to have self determination. Is the State of Israel fighting ghosts Mr. President?.

You said 30 thousands of children and women were killed in Gaza is not right? then what exactly you called it is it a mercy killing or genocide.

You are calling your self the leader of the free world and a role model for other countries in the world, bragging as champion of democracy and freedom.

Since when freedom and democracy coexist with military occupation and mass killing and over 30,000 Palestinians were detained in Israeli prisons for decades Mr. President?.

Presidential election needs money and the money in the hands and pockets of American Jewish owned and controled banks including the Federal reserve. No wonder you ignored all your values and run after the Jewish money to finance you election campaign.

The American Jewish money is tied for your committment to the defense and the security of the State of Israel.

The need for the Jewish money twisted your tongue to condemn the International Criminal Court of Justice ICCJ for charging Israel with war of genocide in Gaza Strip.

This world legal ruling was over due by the court to condemn the Israeli genocide and exposing its crimes against the Palestinian

People civilians to the world for 75 years. Mr. President you can run but you cannot hide ,the international law is established to maintain world security and to protect world population from any any war of genocide any where and against any people after the First and the Second World Wars horrific mass killing in Europe and other parts of the world.

180 countries condemned the Israeli war against the Palestinian People more than once since 1948 the creation of the State of Israel. Are those countries are blind and wrong and you and handful crafted countries by the USA are right?.

Shame on you Mr. President to close your eyes on the Israeli crimes and for you to call it self defense despite the ICCJ said otherwise and othe world countries.

The Palestinian people in Gaza called on you Mr. President and told you ( if the Unites States like it or not ) they are not going to give up their fight against this colonial country you call it Israel they call it occupied Palestine.

They will continue the struggle until this racist colonial regime will be defeated and forced out from their historical homeland despite all American aid and Europeans for that paraiah state.

More than 7 months passed and Israel with the fourth most powerful army in the world failed to achieve one goal from those were set to achieve in Gaza attack.

No Israeli prisoners freed by military means and force force. No HAMAS leaders were killed or captured and show the world any of HAMAS fighters as prisoners or dead as the Israeli Army claimed advances in Gaza Strip and

cities in size one fourth of Tel Aviv size Yes the Israeli Army killed around 40 thousands of civilians women children, and wounded 80 thousands 72% of them women and children.

The White House, the State Department and the US Congress members of both houses do not agree a bit of the Court finding and ruling just were a collective of codemnation to the court and threats to its members of retaliation by the Unted States of America.

The United States branches of government and the Constitution never addressed the massacres and ethnic cleansing of the American Continent of its original people. Even the founders of this Country failed to do so .

This country was established on the remains of those lived on this land men, women and children as your Cowboys movies documented.

It is not unusual for the US President to deny the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people so the US Congress members and and issue resolutions against the International Court of Justice.

The United Stated dropped a nuclear bombs on Japanese cities and killed hundreds of thousands so in Vietnam , Afghanistan and IraQ wars.

It is normal behavior for the U S to deny the massacares of the Palestinian people on the hands of the State of Israel the American baby and the 51st state as a common understanding in American politics.

However, President Biden contradicted himself in a statement recognized the killing of 30 thousands of Palestinians civilians by the Israeli Army. The International Criminal Court of Justice is going to put all the Israeli criminal leaders on trial sooner or later as the former Nazis.

Also, it is going to put all countries leaders render any military aid to Israel and hep it to committ genocide against the Palestinians those leaders dead or alive.

They will face justice and have the same fate of the Nazis leaders after the 2nd World War for crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jews in Europe and other nationals on the continent.

What a hypocracy to call the Jewish State committing genocide against the Palestinians and the Western World rushed to defend Israel and deny it and called it self defense.

This is a Western confession of participating in the war of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.

Since when the International Court Court was established for Africa only and for the Russian Leader as the US Congress said in the statement read by its members as not binding on Israel or the US.

The United States of America again stands on the wrong side of history.


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